Here is the review sheet, in case you lose your copy:
The chapter test is Mon/Tues, Nov 18/19!
Here is the review sheet, in case you lose your copy:
The chapter test is Mon/Tues, Nov 18/19!
Here are the worksheets for the transformations unit (all four worksheets are included in this one 8-page file):
AND here is the "Stained Glass" project sheet which is due next week for a test grade:
Here is the review for the Geometry test (which is this W/Th, Oct 23/24):
Here is the adjusted homework for sections 3-5 and 3-6 (we covered both of these in class on Th/F).
This will be due in class on Mon/Tues, Oct. 21-22.
In case you lose your copy, here is the worksheet assigned in class on W/Th, Oct 2/3.